Friday, May 31, 2019

Alfarabi And Aristotle: The Four Causes And The Four Stages Of The Doc

Alfarabi and Aristotle The Four Causes and The Four Stages of The Doctrine ofThe Intelligence     Alfarabi was raised as a young boy in Baghdad. His early support was washed-outstudying the art of linguistics, philosophy, and logic. His teachers wereSyrian Christians experts in Greek philosophy. He studied Aristotle and Plato indetail, and it became evident in his later belles-lettres that they were a truehearted make on him. He became quite a prolific writer, and he wrote more than 100 chokes, many of which have unfortunately been lost including his a spile of hiscommentaries on Aristotle. He was one and only(a) of the earliest Islamic thinkers totransmit to the world of his time the doctrines of Plato and Aristotle. He isconsidered by many to be the founder of an au indeedtic philosophy. His writingscreated a lot of support, debate, and controversy. He contributed materials onthe proof of the existence of the First Principle, and on the theory ofemanation , as well as the theory of knowledge, in access to his commentarieson Greek philosophers.     The Greek influence is uncontaminatingly present in his works, especially with hisOpinions of the Inhabitants of a Virtuous City, where he laid d let aphilosophical, religious, and favorable ashes for the humanity at large a systemthat sought to break barriers and facilitate relations among people and nations.This work sounded very same to the work presented by Plato in PlatosRepublic. They both took into consideration the matter of city/state, who wasto govern, who was to be governed, how this governing was to take place, how itwas to be enforced, and so on. It also appears clear that he was influencedgreatly by Aristotle. This influence is present in his "Doctrine of theIntellect". The Doctrine of the apprehension was Alfarabis approach to giving hisown interpretation to the intellect.     There are noticeable similarities between Alf arabis Doctrine of theIntellect and Aristotles "Four Causes". Needless to say that they each arecomprised of four-spot stages, but the stages seem very similar, they seem to be exemplar of one another, almost to the point of defining one another. Itwill be demonstrated that Alfarabi used Aristotles "Four Causes" to derive andsupport the Doctrine of the Intellect. Alfarabi draws off of Ar... ... of Alfarabi, then it is clear that there was a strong Aristotelianisminfluence on Alfarabi. This is evident in several of the writings such as in hismentions of the four senses, intellect in potentiality, intellect in actuality,acquired intellect, and with the agent intellect. There are several otherwritings that are credited to Alfarabi that were based on Plato and Aristotle,so there is no real reason to assume that these writings were not those ofAlfarabi.     It appears that Alfarabi uses the basic principles of Aristotle and hasapplied them to his pr inciples of the Doctrine of the Intellect in order torationalize his philosophy. Alfarabi was a philosopher that grabbed stark naked ideasand harnessed them with some of the greatest philosophical minds known to man.He took Aristotle to a new level, doesnt any true philosopher? He embodied thethoughts of previous minds, and unify them with his own and became a verypowerful influence on Islamic philosophy.     It is clear that Aristotle was used to develop his Doctrine of theIntellect. The similarities, the context, and the rational are too similar to endure to anyone else. Alfarabi And Aristotle The Four Causes And The Four Stages Of The Doc Alfarabi and Aristotle The Four Causes and The Four Stages of The Doctrine ofThe Intelligence     Alfarabi was raised as a young boy in Baghdad. His early life was spentstudying the art of linguistics, philosophy, and logic. His teachers wereSyrian Christians experts in Greek philosophy. He studied Aristotle and Plato indetail, and it became evident in his later writings that they were a stronginfluence on him. He became quite a prolific writer, and he wrote more than 100works, many of which have unfortunately been lost including his a lot of hiscommentaries on Aristotle. He was one of the earliest Islamic thinkers totransmit to the world of his time the doctrines of Plato and Aristotle. He isconsidered by many to be the founder of an authentic philosophy. His writingscreated a lot of support, debate, and controversy. He contributed materials onthe proof of the existence of the First Principle, and on the theory ofemanation, as well as the theory of knowledge, in addition to his commentarieson Greek philosophers.     The Greek influence is clearly present in his works, especially with hisOpinions of the Inhabitants of a Virtuous City, where he laid down aphilosophical, religious, and social system for the humanity at large a systemthat sought to break barriers and facilitate relations among people and nations.This work sounded very similar to the work presented by Plato in PlatosRepublic. They both took into consideration the matter of city/state, who wasto govern, who was to be governed, how this governing was to take place, how itwas to be enforced, and so on. It also appears clear that he was influencedgreatly by Aristotle. This influence is present in his "Doctrine of theIntellect". The Doctrine of the intellect was Alfarabis approach to giving hisown interpretation to the intellect.     There are strong similarities between Alfarabis Doctrine of theIntellect and Aristotles "Four Causes". Needless to say that they each arecomprised of four stages, but the stages seem very similar, they seem to berepresentative of one another, almost to the point of defining one another. Itwill be demonstrated that Alfarabi used Aristotles "Four Causes" to derive andsupport the Doctrine of the Intellect. Alfarabi draws off of Ar... ... of Alfarabi, then it is clear that there was a strong Aristotelianisminfluence on Alfarabi. This is evident in several of the writings such as in hismentions of the four senses, intellect in potentiality, intellect in actuality,acquired intellect, and with the agent intellect. There are several otherwritings that are credited to Alfarabi that were based on Plato and Aristotle,so there is no real reason to assume that these writings were not those ofAlfarabi.     It appears that Alfarabi uses the basic principles of Aristotle and hasapplied them to his principles of the Doctrine of the Intellect in order torationalize his philosophy. Alfarabi was a philosopher that grabbed new ideasand harnessed them with some of the greatest philosophical minds known to man.He took Aristotle to a new level, doesnt any true philosopher? He embodied thethoughts of previous minds, and united them with his own and became a verypowerful inf luence on Islamic philosophy.     It is clear that Aristotle was used to develop his Doctrine of theIntellect. The similarities, the context, and the rational are too similar tobelong to anyone else.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wolfgang Kohlers Experiment And Insight Learning Essay -- essays resea

Wolfgang Kohlers Experiment and Insight LearningHave you ever been trying to figure something out that you just cantpiece unneurotic and then all of a sudden have it hit you? If you have, youveexperienced the type of learning called insight learning.The destination insight refers to solving a worry through understanding therelationships various parts of a problem. Wolfgang Kohler, a Gestalt psychologist who was born in 1887 and diedin 1967, used chimpanzees in the study of insight learning. Kohler who was bornin Revel, Estonia and moved to the United States in 1935, did pioneering studiesin the behavior of apes that showed the importance of perceptual organizationand insight in learning.His groundbreaking experiment involved one of his chimpanzees, grand Turk.Sultan had learned to use a outfox to rake in bananas outside of his cage. Thistime Kohler placed the banana outside of the reach of just one stick and gaveSultan two sticks that could be fitted together to make a single p ole that waslong enough to reach the banana. After fiddling with the sticks for an hour orso, Sultan happened to align the sticks and in a blink of sudden inspiration,fitted the two sticks together and pulled in the banana. Kohler was impressedby Sultans rapid perception of relationships and used the term insight todescribe it. He noted that such insights are not learned gradually throughreinforced trials. They seemed to occur in a flash when the elements a...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Drugs and Alcohol Essay -- American History, Alcohol

Drugs argon heavily used throughout the entire world. However, it is important to rede and not undermine the variability in which drugs are used. It is clear some are for distinct medical treatment and others are for recreational use. In the unite States, marijuana has been and continues to be a very controversial drug. Some states have allowed marijuana consumption for medicinal purposes, while others have completely outlawed the drug. Those who are against the legitimation and regulation of marijuana suggest the economical and health risk associated with consumption of the drug are too high. Although there is risk involved with the legalization of the marijuana, our country has already been risking too much banning the drug. As a result, many police officers and American citizens lives are at risk as depute force attempt to control the black market. It has limited the treatment possibilities of the ill as marijuana can be prescribed for various sicknesses (Fisher, par. 1). The benefits of legalizing marijuana by far out way the losses of continuing to keep it illegal. There are flaws on both ends of the spectrum, but it is clear is the regulation and legalization of marijuana will give government additional revenue through taxation, reduce spending allocated to enforcing the law, and increase the availability of medicinal treatment (Single 10457).Looking sticker on American history, alcohol at one point in time was against the law. Overtime it became legal and thoroughly regulated by the government. As this took place, our republic has witnessed the dangers and health issues arising from alcohol consumption and abuse. For example, drunk driving kills many Americans each year. In comparison to marijuana studies w... ...ijuana 40478). There are many positive degree effects marijuana regulation can have on an economy people need to be open minded enough to at to the lowest degree acknowledge them.In conclusion, it seems as if for variou s reasons marijuana has gained a negative image in America today. Whether this is because the smoke, physical effects, or criminalist view of the drug, it does not matter. Americans essential accept the facts instead of seemingly taking them with a grain of salt. If anything, the failure to legalize marijuana and attempt to prohibit usage has caused more human poor than simply legalizing marijuana. Additionally, the actual regulation of the drug would help stimulate the economy and eliminate crime. Americans must choose, and by the facts, it is only a matter of time earlier people recognize and accept the legalization and regulation of marijuana in America.

A Defence of Individual Autonomy in a Multination Liberal State Essay

A Defence of Individual Autonomy in a Multination Liberal State Liberalism is committed to protecting the freedom to choose, question and revise unitarys own imagination of the good life. For this reason, liberalism defends (among many other things) freedom of conscience, expression and association, as well as mandatory, universal education. In Multicultural Citizenship, provide Kymlicka argues that the domain is also obligated to ensure that the lifestyle options which are made available to an individual so that she can choose, question and revise her own conception of the good life, are meaningful to her by being understood by her in relation to her own societal culture. He concludes, therefore, that in a multination liberal state, self-government rights should be granted to national minorities in order to guarantee that their members will have access to their own societal culture. However, in the racing shell of an illiberal national minority, granting them the rights nec essary to preserve their own societal culture will result in violations of the individual rights of their members. This is a serious problem for liberalism. Kymlicka proposes that we must(prenominal) accept such violations because the liberal state is not entitled to impose liberal values and practices on to a national minority. He suggests that the state should raise the voluntary liberalisation of the illiberal culture from within, and is only justified in using force in order to prevent severe violations of individual rights. In this paper I will argue that Kymlickas approach is lacking in some areas. I will argue that a multination liberal state should not grant self-government rights to a previously non-self-governing illiberal national minority unless the individual r... ...ial obligation, which does not apply to foreign nations, to take further steps, as outlined above, to their neighbouring fellow human beings.Endnotes1 Will Kymlicka (1995), Multicultural Citizenship, (Cl arendon Press, Oxford). p.76 2 Ibid., p.90 3 Avishai Margalit and Joseph Raz (1990), National Self-Determination, Jounal of Philosophy, 87/9 439-61. p.447-9 4 Supra, note 1, p.89 5 Ibid., p.836 Ronald Dworkin (1985), A Matter of Principle, (Harvard University Press, London). p.231 7 Supra, note 1, p.78 8 Ibid., p.168 9 Ibid., p.169 BibliographyRonald Dworkin (1985), A Matter of Principle, (Harvard University Press, London).Will Kymlicka (1995), Multicultural Citizenship, (Clarendon Press, Oxford).Avishai Margalit and Joseph Raz (1990), National Self-Determination, Jounal of Philosophy, 87/9 439-61.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Partridge Family :: essays research papers

If you were alive 30 years ago you probably can recall those Friday nights when you were sitting in bowel movement of the television set during prime time watching a widowed mother and her five children who charmed America and broke a generation jailbreak with their groovy, bubble gum sounding tunes. You probably would also know that "The Partridge Family," with its something for everyone mold and groovy tunes, took over America as an instant success in the fall of 1970.The Partridge Family was the 70s successor to the Monkees who were a mid 60s hit. Both the Monkees and the Partridge Family were fictional rock/pop bands produced by a television branch of capital of S out(p)h Carolina Pictures called Screen Gems, but unlike the Monkees, the Partridge Family strictly was about wholesome and traditional family values. ( famous cast included screen and stage veteran Shirley Jones who vie the mother, Shirley Partridge. Shirley Jones had been in numerous plays and m ovies including Rodgers and Hammerstiens "Oklahoma", "The Music Man", "The Big Slide", and the 1960 film version of Elmer Gantry which won her an Academy Award for her map as a prostitute. In 1956, Shirley Jones married actor Jack Cassidy who was the father of her future co-star David Cassidy. Born April 12, 1950 in New York City, David Cassidy grew up in the tell business atmosphere with both his father and mother being avid performers. After he graduated from Rexford, a private school in Beverly Hills, he worked with the Los Angeles Theater Group and was featured in the Los Angeles theater production of "And so to Bed" ( After that he moved to New York and back to Los Angeles while feature in several plays and TV shows including "Mod Squad" and "Bonanza", but David Cassidy didnt get his big break until he returned to his first love, music, when he was cast as Keith Partridge. Other cast members who vie Partrid ge siblings included Susan Dey, a popular New York fashion model who played Laurie Partridge, and the red headed and freckled Danny Bonaduce who played Danny Partridge and to many peoples surprise actually came from an 100 percent Italian background (The Partridge Family Deluxe Souvenir Album). The youngest partridges as you whitethorn know were Chris and Tracy. Chris was first played by Jeremy Gelbwaks during the first season, but his parents soon became uncomfortable about his acting with the mania that surrounded the show and took their son out of the cast.

The Partridge Family :: essays research papers

If you were alive 30 years ago you likely can recall those Friday nights when you were sitting in front of the television set during prime conviction watching a widowed mother and her five children who charmed America and broke a generation gap with their groovy, bubble gum sounding tunes. You probably would also know that "The bobwhite quail Family," with its something for everyone cast and groovy tunes, took over America as an instant success in the fall of 1970.The Partridge Family was the 70s successor to the Monkees who were a mid 60s hit. Both the Monkees and the Partridge Family were fictional rock/pop bands produced by a television branch of Columbia Pictures called Screen Gems, but unlike the Monkees, the Partridge Family strictly was about wholesome and traditional family values. ( famous cast included screen and stage veteran Shirley Jones who contend the mother, Shirley Partridge. Shirley Jones had been in numerous plays and movies including Rodger s and Hammerstiens " okay", "The Music Man", "The Big Slide", and the 1960 film version of Elmer Gantry which won her an Academy Award for her role as a prostitute. In 1956, Shirley Jones get hitched with actor Jack Cassidy who was the sustain of her future co-star David Cassidy. Born April 12, 1950 in New York City, David Cassidy grew up in the show business atmosphere with both his father and mother being avid performers. After he graduated from Rexford, a private school in Beverly Hills, he worked with the Los Angeles Theater Group and was featured in the Los Angeles theater production of "And so to Bed" ( After that he moved to New York and back to Los Angeles while starring in several plays and TV shows including "modern Squad" and "Bonanza", but David Cassidy didnt get his big break until he returned to his first love, music, when he was cast as Keith Partridge. Other cast members who played Partridge siblin gs included Susan Dey, a popular New York fashion model who played Laurie Partridge, and the red headed and freckled Danny Bonaduce who played Danny Partridge and to many peoples surprise actually came from an 100 percent Italian background (The Partridge Family Deluxe Souvenir Album). The youngest partridges as you may know were Chris and Tracy. Chris was first played by Jeremy Gelbwaks during the first season, but his parents soon became uncomfortable about his acting with the mania that surrounded the show and took their son out of the cast.