Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Project Management study of Impact of stakeholders on project delays Research Proposal

A Project Management study of Impact of stakeholders on project delays and increase cost in transport sector - Research Proposal Example Project stakeholders are the representatives of the interests achieved at these levels. The author defines a project stakeholder as a group of people or a person who has vested interest in the project’s success as well as the environment in which the project operates. It means that even the environmental protection agencies are stakeholders. The citizens of a country are stakeholders to a construction project of a highway. Stakeholder for this research study will include any persons, group of people or organizations involved in the construction project with some vested interest including the citizens of the international community if found to qualify as stakeholders. Construction projects worldwide are characterised by delays which is always accompanied by time and cost overruns. The project delays have devastating effects on various stakeholders such as on consultants, owners, financiers, and the contractor. These stakeholders are mostly affected in terms of litigation, growt h in adversarial relationship, arbitration, distrust and cash-flow problems. Project delays contribute a lot, through various ways, to the failure of most construction projects. It puts a lot of strain in the management of the projects. In most cases, project progress reports report project delays with no specific reference to the causes (Haseeb, Xinhai-Lu, Bibi, Maloof-ud-Dyian & Rabbani., 2011). It is important to find the causes of project delays in order to develop strategies for eliminating them. This forms part of risk management. Lack of preparedness in managing any risks associated with a project constitutes poor project management. It is therefore important to identify every source of risk and make preparations on how they can be mitigated. Delays in large construction projects have been found to be a major problem. They cost the job owner and the contractor a lot of money. Although some of the causes are universal, construction projects are different and the causes of dela y may vary (Haseeb, Xinhai-Lu, Bibi, Maloof-ud-Dyian & Rabbani., 2011). In the United Kingdom for example, there are various large construction projects going on (Construction News, 2013). A project manager may have assessed similar projects from different regions and countries to find out the risks associated with project delays, the causes of project delays, and how to manage these delays. This is an important step, but as the project continues, different activities, situations and cost changes affect the project. This in turn affects the causes of delay. In the UK for example, workers are a source construction delays. According to Terry (2013), workers take in excess of 130 million days sickness absence every year. 330,000 workers drop out of employment every year. These cost the state and the employer, and have a drastic impact on the society. The government has worked over several years to find out ways to reduce the levels of sickness absence and related costs. It has currentl y published proposals for reform which may change the approach given to sickness absence in the UK. Employers are expected to change their role and be more involved in assisting employees to return to work as soon as possible when they are able to return, and in rehabilitation. These new recommendations are expected to be introduced in the next 12-18 months (Terry, 2013). This project management plan focuses

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