Monday, May 25, 2020

Transitional Justice Is Necessary For A Nation - 2574 Words

No nation has ever started off with a clean sheet. Even some of the great nations had issues along the road of their growth. For example, when the United States first form of a government system was the Articles of Confederation, prior to the democratic form of government we have now. It is why I argue upon the basis that transitional justice is needed in order for a nation to function properly. Two nations that went through a major transitional justice change are Rwanda and Argentina. Transitional justice are judicial/non-judicial methods implemented in order to restore acts against of human rights abuses. Such methods consist of criminal prosecutions, truth commissions, reparations programs, and numerous kinds of institutional†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, to satisfying these needs, the states have responsibilities to guarantee that the violations will not occur again, so a special obligation to modify institutions that were involved in the violations and were incapabl e of preventing the acts against human rights. A past of ignored human rights violations is more than likely to cause social conflict in the later future. Results can consist of distrust between social groups and institutions of the state, and the decrease of national security and specific goals. Then questions about rule of law surfaces, which can lead to an endless cycle of human rights violations in various forms. Based on what has been seen in countries effected my human rights violations, the feeling of justice was never present, according to the victims. Victims began taking matters into their own hands in order to protect what they held there to themselves. For example, the genocide in Rwanda and the Trials of Juntas in Argentina. From April to July 1994, members of the Hutu tribe, who thrived in the east-central African nation of Rwanda, murdered approximately 800,000 people, a majority of them natives of the Tutsi tribe. It began with Hutu extremist in the capital of Kig ali, the genocide spreading throughout Rwanda at drastic speeds. Regular citizens were encouraged by Rwandan local officials and the Hutu government to bear arms against their own

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