Saturday, October 5, 2019

Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Justice - Essay Example The paper also focuses on a very sensitive issue of capital punishment rendered by the courts of law depending on the intensity of the criminal acts. This act of the court is largely contested based on the Christian views where rendering of Capital Punishment is straightly not allowed (Ness, 1994, p.3). The legal system and the rendering of justice is dealt along the study and analysis of three articles in the light of the views imposed by Christianity. Reforming Prisoners through Religion The aspect of reforming prisoners through the approach of religious institutions and not through putting them in prison houses is analysed based on Omar M. McRoberts article â€Å"Religion, Reform, Community: Examining the Idea of Church-based Prisoner Reentry†. This article came out during March 2002, as a Working Discussion Paper for the Urban Institute’s Reentry Roundtable (McRoberts, 2002,p.1). The religious touch rendered to the convicts helps them to bear the atrocities of the p rison climates and a life isolated from their closed ones. However, the main problem in discussion is not of the prison days but rather of the future periods when the convict is made free. Here the person being freed from the prison earns a further challenge in search for a livelihood. These people in the large society feel somewhat insecured and loiter in search for both physical and mental sustenance to help them dwell in the external world. To help find a solution to the aforesaid problem the courts of the land along with religious institutions are increasingly working on the program on Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) to help the freed prisoners reenter their social and community lifestyles. This program largely focuses to help the freed prisoners gain a better occupational and domestic environment along with rendering mental support so that they do not take to drugs or get emotionally turbulent. The success of the program greatly depends on the activity of religious bodies like Churches, which are not only trying to help the prisoners sustain a healthy mental and physical life inside the condemnation walls but also working outside to help them reenter the social sphere. Churches with their alchemic touch are considered the main instruments that would help these individuals reenter the community circles, which fall under the governance of these religious bodies. Further, the Churches being religious bodies with an open outlook where they do not make any distinction between members and non-members are observed to be the spear headers of the community movement. The main focus of these programs with extensive religious collaboration is to totally change and transform the criminal psyche of the prison inmates into proper civilized mindsets. However, the present urban lifestyles are a bend of continuous physical and mental tensions often amounting to violent and turbulent activities. Thus, it is held that the Christian missionaries must ai m at driving these people to cool pastoral countryside where they can leave a peaceful life and are freed from mental tensions. The freed prisoners settled along free quarters are widely encouraged to participate in the Sunday masses and are regularly associated with the Bible. These activities help cast a strong religious ferment in such people who gradually develop a civilized lifestyle to

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